Our Waiting Area is Now Back Open! – What to expect at your next visit. October 2022

What to expect at your next visit…..
From the 10th of October 2022, we will be removing some of the additional procedures and protocols that we introduced in response to COVID-19.
We are pleased to announce that the waiting area inside the practice will once again be in use.
Please note that we are still operating an appointment only service booked by telephone. Please do not queue or enter the practice if you do not have a booked appointment.
We ask patients to arrive to their appointment at the designated time only. We also ask that you continue to wear a face mask when visiting the practice. Upon arrival you will be required to ring the door bell and wait for assistance. We will ask you Covid screening questions and require you to sanitise your hands upon entering the building.
Please do not arrive to your appointment if you are showing signs of COVID-19 or have been in contact with anyone carrying the virus. If you or anyone you have been in contact with is showing signs for COVID-19 or is feeling un-well, please call the practice to re-schedule the appointment.
We will continue to monitor local COVID-19 infection rates and re-instate any necessary procedures should the infection rate rise.
Thank you for your continuous understanding and support.
We look forward to meeting you at your next dental visit.
Best wishes,
and the So Dental Team