Spring 2021 Newsletter
So…..Welcome to our Spring 2021 newsletter. In our last newsletter we were in the middle of our first Lockdown and learning how to adjust to wearing masks, social distancing and R rates! Now we are all old hands at all that and looking forward to safer times ahead
What has been happening at So Dental during the last few months?
We have had so many things to be thankful for during the last few months – most of all the loyalty and understanding of all our patients who have been so supportive as we gradually returned to seeing patient face to face after weeks of video consultations. The feedback we have had from you all has been so positive about our new way of working. Thank you for helping us to keep you safe, and dealing so well with all the changes in the way we have had to operate. A special thank you for bearing with us when we are all masked up and difficult to hear and understand.
We welcome new apprentice nurse Lorna, who joined us last summer. Learning to be a dental nurse in the middle of a pandemic is not the easiest thing to do but Lorna has truly risen to the occasion and is a fantastic addition to our team.
So…..Welcome to our Spring 2021 newsletter. In our last newsletter we were in the middle of our first Lockdown and learning how to adjust to wearing masks, social distancing and R rates! Now we are all old hands at all that and looking forward to safer times ahead.and So Dental Team.